Fulfilling the duty to inform, regulated in law 34/2002, July 11th, article 10, about information and e-commerce services, the owner is:

Altosoto Salud S.L.U., CIF. B-83153270, Av. Monforte de Lemos, 168, 7-1, C.P. 28029, Madrid (Madrid). Spain

Tel. 91 37 38 098; CONTACT FORM.

This legal notice regulates the use of the service in this Internet website, from now on (“website”);


Access, navigation and/or use of the portal (Altosoto Salud S.L.U.) will imply the acceptance of rules explained in this document. The simple use of the portal will imply the acquisition of consideration as user (from now on, "user") and the full and unreserved acceptance of all and each one of the rules which are part of this legal notice, right when the User accesses the portal. Rules might change, therefore after every access the user has to read and accept them, due to the fact that the rules might change. The User has also to read carefully the Special Conditions and accept, if that is the case, the application of the general contract conditions and complementary current regulation. Through the portal, the "website" helps the users to access and use all the different services and contents (from now on, "Services") at disposal, supplied by the same company or by third parties.

USE OF THE WEBSITE gives information, suggestion about health habits, services, programs or data (from now on, "contents"), which are property of Altosoto Salud S.L.U., and if followed are responsability of the user.

If the user wants to register to the website, he/she will have to hand out true and licit information about personal identification data. If the user will be given a password (password and username), he/she will have to be careful, because they are personal, secret and non-transferrable data.

Also, if the user joins chats, forums, blogs or posts comments, has to commit not to outrage personal dignity, with discrimination, degrading treatment, racism, xenophobia, pornographic material, etc. Consecuently, username and password will be discretionally taken back by the owner of the portal. is not responsible whatsoever of the opinions expressed by the users on the website. Introduction or diffusion of computer viruses is strictly forbidden, together with other informatic or logic system, that may provoke damage to the portal.

DATA PROTECTION (Altosoto Salud S.L.U.), fulfills Data Protection in accordance with legal principles of the law (Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13th on Personal Data Protection and RD 1720/2007 of of 21st December, through which the Organic Law on Data Protection is approved), providing different security measures for Data Protection legally required and also trying to implement the system with additional protection measures.

Therefore, as art. 5 of the LOPD states, we inform the user that personal data might be incorporated to the database “ Clients”, affiliated to AGPD (Spanish Agency on Data Protection), whose purpose is to give suggestion on health habits and managing the blog of this website, through and following the legal conditions, to be found in the privacy policy available on the URL

At any time the user will be able exercise the right to object, access, rectification and cancellation for free, sending an e-mail at CONTACT FORM..

Or sending the request by mail to:

Av. Monforte de Lemos 168, 7-1,
C.P. 28029, Madrid. Spain

INTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RIGHTS (Altosoto Salud S.L.U.), owns all and each one intellectual and industrial property right, like logotypes, drawings, all right reserved, following the law RD 1/1996 of Abril 12th, approving the consolidated text of the Intellectual Property Rights Law that regularizes, clarifies and harmonizes the existing legislation on the matter. Reproduction, distribution of part or all of the contents of this website with commercial purpose is strictly forbidden, through any device or technical mean, unless carried out with the specific authorization by (Altosoto Salud S.L.U.). The Owner also reserves the right to change or modify, if appropiate, eliminating or adding contents to the portal. If links or hyperlinks to other website are shown, (Altosoto Salud S.L.U.) will not be responsible for the contents, nor will check them.

RESPONSABILITY AND GUARANTEE DISCLAIMER (Altosoto Salud S.L.U.) is not responsible whatsoever for damages or harm due to accidental computer virus trasmission, contents errors, or service temporarily unavailable, etc.

RIGHT OF EXCLUSION (Altosoto Salud S.L.U.), reserves the right to terminate, suspend or interrupt at any time and without prior notice, the access to the portal or its services, to the user that, by himself/herself or by third parties, violates website general conditions. In particular, the service is only about buying and sending products fabricated, comercialized and distributed by Pierre Fabre Ibérica S.A. laboratory (Ramón Trías Fargas, 08005 Barcelona, Spain) to the European Union, in accordance with the selling policy subscribed by Pierre Fabre Ibérica S.A.


The service of the Portal, together with all the others, has at first indefinite duration. The “website” is authorized to end or stop the service and/or any other Service at any time, in spite of what is written in the corresponding Special Conditions.

APPLICABLE LAW AND COMPETENT COURTS (Altosoto Salud S.L.U.) is the internet website of Parafarmacia Campoamor. This is a private company, legally established on national soil (Spain) and it will give professional help on parapharmacy products commerce, following the existing legislation. This website does not sell drugs nor will receive orders asking for any kind of drug, inside or outside Spain, following the existing legislation. This website does not sell drugs nor will receive orders asking for any kind of drug, inside or outside Spain, following the existing legislation.

For all the conditions that are not established in this legal notice, (Altosoto Salud S.L.U.) and the user will submit any controversy and/or litigation to the attention of the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.

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